
6 Ways Mobile Apps are Incorporated into Marketing Campaigns

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mobile apps

With so many ways to advertise and promote a brand online nowadays, the term “marketing campaign” now encompasses a vast number of steps and processes that need to be completed in order to make a truly competitive effort. As most popular industries are saturated with other marketers and entrepreneurs who are trying to gain their own slices of the pie, everyone is always looking for the next secret marketing technique or trend that will boost their ad revenue or sales overnight. Mobile apps are one of the few tools that managed services providers use as part of their MSP sales and marketing campaign that allows such rapid expansion, particularly when incorporated into marketing campaigns in the following six ways:

1. Providing Integrated Support

Using mobile apps to provide support to your customers or facilitate communication between your employees and prospective customers is a powerful way to improve public brand perception. With the majority of web users now accessing the internet primarily through mobile devices, providing app-based support interface is an almost mandatory move. Since marketing and app design are so closely intertwined, services like Appetiser app development have begun covering both sides of the coin for their clients, focusing on not only the design and functionality of the app but also how it will be distributed and promoted after it’s developed.

2. Using Push Notifications

Mobile devices offer one really great perk that marketers are able to take advantage of – push notifications. Of course, you’ll need to develop a way to have the device user authorise such notifications, but doing that can be as simple as including it as a provision within your mobile app. However, it’s best to avoid overdoing this form of marketing as it might be considered spam and discarded if you’re pushing too many notifications to your users.

3. Creating Mobile-Friendly Content

Producing informative and entertaining content that is mobile-friendly should be a top priority for every content creation and marketing team. Many times, this simply has to do with ensuring that your site has incorporated responsive design into its structure. Responsive design simply means that your site interface adjusts in appearance depending on which device the visitor is using. For mobile apps, you may need to have multiple versions developed to facilitate cross-platform support on all the major mobile operating systems like Android and iOS.

4. Sponsoring Mobile Apps

If you don’t yet have your own mobile app, or if you want to attract the users of other apps over to your app, a great way to spread brand awareness is to sponsor other popular apps. Alternatively, instead of directly sponsoring individual apps or content providers, you can open up an affiliate program or referral scheme that provides an incentive in the form of a commission that is paid to the affiliate every time they facilitate a sale or other desired action.

5. Another Way to Advertise

Interestingly, marketers and brands are also leveraging mobile apps as a means of putting the brand in front of people who would otherwise never have a reason to visit their website. While this should be done tastefully – don’t develop a bunch of cheap games and slap your company name on them – it can be a great method to utilize if you can think of mobile utilities, tools, and resources that you can put into a well-designed and branded app interface. Furthermore, having a mobile app means you’re able to take advantage of the immense traffic that app platforms like the Google Play Store and Apple App Store provide.

6. Mobile Banner Ads and Pop-Ups

App users are normally operating on screen sizes of about 5-6 inches, and they’re constantly tapping in all areas of the screen, so it’s very easy for them to accidentally click on ads or pop-ups. Thus, using these forms of advertising within mobile apps and app advertising platforms can actually be much more effective than trying to serve pop-ups to desktop users. Many markets use the pop-up method to promote app installs and attract additional web traffic. While the type of conversion rates that you’ll see from such traffic might be low depending on how well you’re targeting the audience, it’s still a great way to put your brand image in front of people who otherwise would never know about your site or app.

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Mobile Marketing is Essential for Maximizing Growth Potential

If you’re not leveraging the mobile app market to generate brand awareness and improve marketing metrics, chances are you’re missing out on a huge chunk of the leads that you could be getting. With so many people browsing the web primarily through mobile devices, and app platforms having millions of users who regularly download new apps, the “app-o-sphere” represents a significant promotional opportunity for any brand that is willing to invest the time and effort needed to gain experience and expertise in this field.

Guest Author: Zoe Price 

Zoe Price is a young, aspiring writer and computer science graduate who spends as much of her free time as possible on the web. When she's not writing, she's reading. She's always trying to learn and digest new information so that she can stay on top of whatever stories she wishes to write about.


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