
Google Cloud introduced new security tools to fight cyber-attacks

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Google Drive now has over a billion users. It links seamlessly with Gmail, provides 15 gigabytes of free storage, and features apps like Google Docs and Sheets that are easy to use.

Despite having this massive user base, Google still hasn’t converted too many full enterprise customers looking for cloud solutions from its rivals. But that may change soon. Google has recently rolled out new security enhancements via its cybersecurity wing, Chronicle. Learn about these new tools and how you can integrate them into your business below.

What is Chronicle?

Google parent company Alphabet created Chronicle in 2018. Chronicle is an enterprise security company. It uses machine learning tools to analyze massive volumes of data. It all results in quicker detection of cyber threats.

In 2019, Google followed Chronicle into Google Cloud to create advanced threat detection capabilities.

What Does Chronicle Do?

Chronicle focuses on a few key areas. Google’s tasked the machine learning tool to assist businesses in investigating threats. Programmers recently enhanced it with a new programming language, YARA-L.

The team behind VirusTotal (which Google acquired in 2012) created the original YARA language to detect malware. YARA-L builds on this language and applies it to security logs and telemetry aspects. It includes network traffic and EDR data. Security analysts have the tools to create the programming necessary for scalable, real-time execution.

Chronicle Enhancements and More

But that’s not all that’s changed in Chronicle. Programmers also added intelligent data fusion to create a new data model. It links many security events into one timeline. Alongside partners, Google will be able to develop more comprehensive threat responses.

Outside of Chronicle, Google’s also beefed up multi-factor security tools. They include its Authenticator app as well as biometrics.

Web Risk API and reCaptcha Enterprise

The two final new product rollouts are Web Risk API and reCaptcha Enterprise. These two tools are based on technologies Google has been developing for over a decade.

Everybody is familiar with Captcha Tests that determine whether a bot or human is browsing a site. Google created reCaptcha to create even better security against bots and cybercriminals. Each day, Google displays more than 100 million tests. ReCaptcha Enterprise works to defend websites against credential stuffing, scraping, and other threats. With enterprise-grade defense capabilities, it’s even better than ever.

Likewise, Web Risk API (application programming interface) protects users from visiting over a million unsafe URLs. It forms these conclusions by analyzing billions of URLs every day through the Google Safe Browsing service.

What Does It Mean for Business Users?

All new rollouts are fantastic news for businesses. Even if you don’t plan to switch from Dropbox or Amazon, it does create more competition and innovation. You can expect these platforms to follow suit and release their own machine-learning based security tools.

But they don’t cover everything businesses need to secure themselves against cyber threats. Regardless of which cloud service model you choose, there are several necessary cybersecurity measures you should take on both your personal and business devices.

One such practice is securing your internet connection with a VPN. What is a VPN? A VPN is a virtual private network. It creates an encrypted tunnel between your device and the websites you visit. With a VPN, you connect to the internet in a secure manner, preventing man-in-the-middle and other types of attacks. Click here for more:

Next comes the email. 91% of all hacks start by email. Companies must train employees to recognize social engineering threats, especially phishing campaigns. By itself, email is challenging to safeguard. This is why companies need to shift towards more secure communication platforms. Messaging apps like Signal are a decent alternative.

Finally, understand how tech companies handle your data. Google’s primary revenue stream is targeted ads based on harvested data. Will they be doing the same with your company’s data portfolio? Be sure to choose a provider who respects data privacy.

New Security Enhancements to Cloud

The new cloud security enhancements use exciting new technologies. And machine learning is here to detect threats better. In general, Google has made impressive strides to improve its reputation for privacy and security.

Is it enough to switch from what you’re already using? Maybe. But be sure to follow cybersecurity practices to create the holistic protection your business needs.

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