nasscom Community

Policy Update: Haryana Private Reservation law to come into force from January 15, 2022

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Dear Members,

The Government of Haryana vide notification No. Lab/25467/2021 dated November 6, 2021 (available here), has notified January 15, 2022 as the date of implementation of the Haryana State Employment of Local Candidates Act (“HSLEC Act”) 2020. In a separate notification No. Lab./25478/2021 (available here), issued on the same date, the Government lowered the threshold of the gross monthly wages for purpose of applicability of this law. The law will now be applicable to jobs with gross monthly wages or salary upto Rs 30,000 as against Rs. 50, 000 earlier provided in the Act.

While there have been media reports stating a two year moratorium for  start-ups and new businesses (available here), there is no notification for these, as yet. Further, the rules under the law are still awaited.

Once the HSLEC Act will come into force, private employers in the State employing more than 10 0r more persons, will be mandated to reserve 75% of the jobs with gross monthly wages or salary upto INR 30,000 for the local candidates from Haryana.


Basis the revision in the monthly wage ceiling, NASSCOM is rolling out an industry survey to reassess the impact of the law on the IT employers including Start-ups that are present in the State. The findings of the survey will be used and shared with relevant stakeholders to highlight industry wide impact.

The survey link is given below, and it will remain open for participation till November 15, 2021.

Survey link:

We look forward to your participation.

For any queries /feedback, kindly write to