Microsoft has released an update to Microsoft Quantum Development Kit.
Microsoft’s update to its Quantum Development Kit focuses on enhanced debugging experience along with faster simulations. It also includes contributions from the Q# community.
Microsoft launched the Quantum Development Kit last year, comprising a programming language called #Q for those who wanted to write quantum computer applications.
Microsoft sees a huge potential in quantum computing to help solve world’s leading problems in sectors related to science, medicine, chemistry, genetics and the environment. This is done with the use of qubits. Per reports, qubit based computing can solve problems in seconds or minutes as compared to today’s machines, which could take over billions of years to solve the same problem.
In the last update released in February earlier this year, Microsoft announced rich integration with Visual Studio and support for macOS and Linux and Python compatibility for Windows. The update was followed by a huge response by developers who wanted to explore the world of quantum computing.
This update is focused towards performance improvements for better simulations without depending upon number of qubits required.
The update also includes new debugging functionalities within the visual studio. With this, display of variable properties has been improved, for better readability of the quantum state.
As part of the debugging functionality updates, users can find two new features – DumpMachine and DumpRegister, which are designed to deliver probability information related to the specific quantum machine at any specified point of time.
The Microsoft Quantum Development Kit now also include helper and support functions.
Just few days before the release, Microsoft hinted company’s dedicated efforts to build a quantum computer and how it is improving in this mission each day, through a blog.
Julia Love, Director of Quantum Computing, Microsoft, said that the company aims to build a working quantum computer that can solve real-life world problems. In fact, Microsoft happens to be the only major company that is working on topological qubits, making computational qubits be ‘corrected’ by other qubits.