
5 key principles of successful website design in 2021

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website design

Well, we observe a lot of websites in our daily routine. All of them have some unique functionalities that attract us to them. Along with the functionalities, the design of the website is equally important to draw traffic.

The traffic on a website highly depends on the web design. Web designers need to take care of design very well. As a website is a significant part of any business, the people today visit it before coming to you. It can be considered to be the first impression of any brand, and no one wants to make a bad impression.

A well-designed website is something that provides functionalities along with the message a business wants to convey to the visitors. The better design will give a better user experience – usability and utility show the success of the design. A professionally created logo design gives identity to a business, just as a website gives identity to any business brand.

There are some fundamental rules that designers need to follow during designing a website. So, let us discuss those.

01. Consistency is the key

Consistency matters a lot when designing a website.

From the homepage to the last page, everything should look symmetric. The changes on every page should seem like the user is redirected to the other page. You must use the same font, color, and design style throughout the website. The header, footer, and body section should be well-designed and alluring.

Stick to all the design elements on the website, do not change them repeatedly.

02. Proper navigation

Another very important point that designers need to take care of while designing for a website is navigation. With a lot of information and pages on the website, it becomes even more important. Website navigation is something that you should not ignore at any cost.

Well-maintained navigation lets the user find the information they want from the website. Even they will spend more time if the website has properly designed navigation. That means it lets you retain the prospects and convert them to purchasing customers. Usage of breadcrumbs, the logical hierarchy of web pages, and meaningful icons are the ways to make your navigation successful. Therefore, navigation is all about making your website easy to access.

03. F-shaped pattern

This can be a common way to design any website. Almost every designer follows this F-pattern approach to design.

Studies found that whenever users visit the website, they look for the F pattern. They first go from left to right at the top and come down the line in the same direction. They mostly look at the left side screen, the right side would generally be ignored. This website design principle helps to increase the conversion rate on your website.

It’s the designer’s responsibility to give the visitors a natural flow of reading rather than forcing them towards any section. It gives them a better user experience. It helps you to attract more users to the website. Hence, F shaped design is most preferred for the website design.

04. Simplicity is best

No matter how you design a website, if you use simple design, then it’s considered the best option.

A complex design is not a guarantee of attractiveness or clever design but a simple one can do wonders. Too many elements in the web page distract the users. The clean design makes it appealing and lets the user locate the information easily on the web page.

Sometimes, designers overthink to make a website alluring but end up with nothing but a complex website, which is not desired. Keep the balance in the usage of colors, fonts, and other elements. So, try to make your website design as simple as possible.

05. Mobile friendly

Another very important point the designer needs to take care of while designing a website is responsiveness. Due to the rise of mobile users, it’s important that web designers consider them a priority.

Today, any website gets the highest traffic from mobile users. The number of mobile users is increasing every day and is going to surge in the future as well. Mobile also plays a great role in social media marketing to grow one’s business. If your website is unable to rearrange the layout as per the screen size, then the chances of losing the users are high and the bounce rate will be even higher. Without any effort from the users, the layout must change appropriately.

Thus, make sure you incorporate these fundamentals to make your website mobile-friendly.

Wrapping up

The trends in the design industry keep on changing. You will observe the latest designs every day. And this is also applicable to the web design for food industry. Designers need to keep learning these trends. However, the fundamentals of website design also need to be kept in mind.

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