
Highlights: Blockchain Expo Europe brought together 8,200+ delegates this year

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Blockchain Expo Europe

Blockchain Expo Europe— the largest blockchain conference and exhibition of Europe, brought together more than 8,200 delegates this year at RAI Amsterdam.

The two-day event focused on the future of blockchain technology, where the attendees joined the co-located Blockchain, IoT Tech, AI & big data and Cyber Security Expo.

There were six tracks that covered— Blockchain for Enterprise, Blockchain Platforms and Strategies, Cryptocurrency and Financial Services, Developing Blockchain Applications, Blockchain for Business, Blockchain Technologies, Blockchain Workshops and Innovation & Investors Zone.

Highlights of Blockchain Expo Europe 2019

Day one of the conference began with top blockchain solutions for enterprises. It featured talks and panels from Carrefour, IBM, Hugo Boss, Hyperledger, and VW.

On day two, experts from Porsche Digital Lab, Lenovo, Consensys, DHL, EEA, KPMG, Microsoft, and more companies held the stage.

Both the days had popular tracks as speakers shared their expertise across a wide range of industries.

At the Blockchain Platforms and Strategies track, industry pros from bp, HSBC, Factom, IBM & The British Blockchain Association discussed the interoperability and adoption of blockchain within different platforms.

Day two retained the buzz because it featured the most common tracks—Fintech, Securities and Regulations. These tracks explored the infinite opportunities of blockchain technologies in the financial sector. Speakers from Credit Suisse, APG, Blockchain News, AXA investments, Zurich, etoroX and the London Stock Exchange Group took over these tracks.

Blockchain for Business and Enterprise Technology Solutions, the free tracks, explored how blockchain can transform businesses in healthcare, government, manufacturing, music, etc.

In addition, the event provided attendees space for meetups and networking party at The Beach Bar.

Missed the event?

If you wanted to attend or missed to catch on any of the tracks, you can listen and view the content via the conference materials pass. It is available for free for all the paid passes. Alternatively, conference materials can be purchased here.

Blockchain Expo will now return in November for Blockchain Expo North America at Santa Clara, CA.

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