
Dynamics 365 mixed reality apps come to Android and iOS devices

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Dynamics 365 mixed reality apps

In September last year, Microsoft had powered Dynamics 365 with new artificial intelligence (AI) and mixed reality applications, with an aim to empower enterprises achieve more through the accelerant of business applications. At Microsoft Business Forward in Paris, the tech giant announced its further steps towards unlocking deeper insights from data.

The new mixed reality apps announced last year included Dynamics 365 Remote Assist and Dynamics 365 Layout.

As part of the latest announcements, the Dynamics 365 Remote Assist is now coming to Android devices which will help users to work together from anywhere. The Remote Assist will allow remote users to have video calls using HoloLens and help the front-line workers. The remote user can see through the HoloLens of targeted video caller and help them with the things.

It will also feature mobile annotations, group calling, deeper integration with Dynamics 365 for Field Services, and improved accessibility features for HoloLens.

Secondly, a new app called Dynamics 365 Product Visualize is coming to iOS to help sellers showcase and customize products in their actual environment. This will develop a shared understanding between buyer and seller for speeding up complex sales processes.

“It builds a buyer’s confidence early in the sales process so costly change orders are reduced, and customer satisfaction is higher. Using Product Visualize, sellers can show products to customers directly within their Dynamics 365 for Sales workflow and spatial and configuration notes are all saved directly within the associated sales opportunity,” wrote Alysa Taylor, Corporate VP, Business Applications & Industry, in a blog post.

Both the new features in Dynamics 365 will be released for preview in April 2019.

Also read: New Microsoft 365 features to prepare enterprises for trends in data privacy and compliance regulations

Other Dynamics 365 AI and MR applications announced last year included Dynamics 365 Customer Insights, Dynamics 365 Virtual Agent for Customer Service, and Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights.

Dynamics 365 AI for Customer Service leverages Microsoft’s AI and natural language understanding for surfacing automated insights about customer service data. These insights can help employees to act and leverage virtual agents to reduce support costs.

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