
Cloud comparison tool – AWS Vs Google Vs IBM Vs Microsoft Vs Alibaba Cloud

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In the modern world, where every organization is becoming increasingly digitalized, public cloud forms the key and is the most important foundation for a business’s success.

The worldwide public cloud services market is projected to grow 17.3 percent in 2019 to total $206.2 billion, up from $175.8 billion in 2018, according to Gartner, Inc.

There are many cloud solutions and a number of cloud providers but choosing the right public cloud provider basically depends upon the needs of your enterprise. If only you had a cloud comparison tool!

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On the enterprise and mid-market level, industry-leading cloud solutions are provided by Microsoft, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google, IBM, Oracle and Alibaba Cloud. We have included Microsoft, AWS, Google, Alibaba Cloud and IBM in this post as these five are the leading tech players. However, we plan to include others too very soon.

The purpose of this blog and the cloud comparison tool is to cover the breadth of services these leading cloud providers offer, at a single place as the services, features and pricing of all of them are so varied that comparing them is like comparing apples to oranges. We have included not only the basic IaaS services – compute, networking and storage in the cloud comparison tool, but have also included optional/other cloud services that these providers offer to value-add.

The services include Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS) that include, but are not limited to Disaster Recovery, Backup, Content Delivery Network (CDN), DevOps, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT) etc.

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We have also covered the security standards, pricing terms, software supported and more of these cloud providers as these capabilities also play to their advantage and help them differentiate themselves in this highly competitive market, in this cloud comparison tool blog. The aim of this cloud comparison tool blog is to help the decision-makers get all the needed information about different services offered by these hyperscale service providers in a single place.

However, if you want to know which cloud provider offers all the services you need, you should try this convenient cloud services comparison tool. Once you check the services, you will know which provider offers them and which doesn’t, from this tool. This transparency helps you to:

  • Do proper provider evaluation and selection, based on the services, regions, support, certifications etc.
  • Save time by quickly selecting the most appropriate services, as all offerings are in one place.
  • Get cost optimization and savings.
  • Plan for the future by seeing which provider provides services you may need in the future.

Don’t take our word for it, try this cloud comparison tool yourself!

Features and Services: Different services that the leading cloud providers offer have been mentioned in the cloud comparison tool below. You can click and go to respective pages to check each service.

Cloud Comparison Tool: AWS Vs Google Vs IBM Vs Microsoft Vs Alibaba Cloud


Area AWS GCP IBM Cloud Azure  Alibaba Cloud
Windows Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
SLES Yes Yes Yes Yes
CentOS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
CoreOS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
RHEL Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
CloudLinux Yes Yes
OpenSUSE Yes Yes Yes Yes
FreeBSD Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Ubuntu Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Debian Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Vyatta Yes Yes
Oracle Linux Yes Yes


Area AWS GCP IBM Cloud Azure Alibaba Cloud 
Purchase Term 1- year or 3 – year 1- year or 3 – year : Committed Use Discounts Hourly or Monthly Commitment 1- year or 3 – year 1 year or 3 year

Reserved Instances, Pay as you go, subscription, Preemptible Instances

No commitment needed: use resources for more than 25% of a month
Payment Option: No Upfront Yes Yes Yes Yes
Payment Option: Partial Upfront Yes Yes Yes
Payment Option: All Upfront Yes Yes Yes Yes
Buying Factors Region, instance family, Operating System and network type Region, family, Operating System and network type Azure region, virtual machine type, size and term Operating System, Region, Network Type


Area AWS GCP IBM Cloud Azure Alibaba Cloud 
CSA (Cloud Security Alliance Controls) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
ISO 9001 (Global Quality Standard) Yes Yes Yes Yes
ISO 27001 (Security Management Controls) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
ISO 27017 (Cloud Specific Controls) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
ISO 22301 (Business Continuity management Controls) Yes Yes Yes
ISO 27018 (Personal Data Protection) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
ISO 31000 (Risk Management Practices) Yes
EU Model Clauses Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
PCI DSS Level 1 (Payment Card Industry Security Standards) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
SOC 1 (Audit Controls Report) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
SOC 2 (Security, Availability & Confidentiality Report) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
SOC 3 (General Controls Report) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
HITRUST (Health Information Trust Alliance) Yes Yes Yes
GDPR Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
CJIS (Criminal Justice Information Services) Yes Yes Yes
DoD SRG (DoD Data Processing) Yes Yes Yes
FedRAMP (Government Data Standards) Yes Yes Yes Yes
FIPS (Government Security Standards) Yes Yes Yes Yes
FERPA (Educational Privacy Act) Yes Yes Yes Yes
FFIEC (Federal Financial Institutions Regulation) Yes Yes Yes
HIPAA (Protected Health Information) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
ITAR (International Arms Regulations) Yes Yes Yes
GxP (Quality Guidelines & Regulations) Yes Yes Yes Yes
MPAA (Protected Media Content) Yes Yes Yes Yes
NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) Yes Yes Yes Yes
FISMA (Federal Information Security Management) Yes Yes Yes
EU-US Privacy Shield Yes Yes Yes
FISC (Japan) Yes Yes Yes Yes
IRAP (Australia) Yes Yes Yes Yes
K-ISMS (Korea) Yes
MTCS Tier3 (Singapore) Yes Yes Yes Yes
My Number Act (Japan) Yes Yes Yes Yes
C5 (Germany) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Cyber Essentials Plus (UK) Yes Yes Yes
ENS High (Spain) Yes Yes Yes
G – Cloud (UK) Yes Yes Yes
IT-Grundschutz (Germany) Yes Yes
TISAX (Automotive Industry Standard) Yes Yes


Area AWS GCP IBM Cloud Azure Alibaba Cloud
Monthly Uptime Percentage 99.99% 99.99% 100.00% 99.9% for Single Instance VM and 99.95% for multiple instances. 99.975%
Maximum Service Credit Percentage 30% 50% For each 30 continuous minutes of downtime, client will receive a credit in the amount of 5% of the monthly charges. 100% 100% of the monthly service fee per instance if < 95%;25% if < 99% but => 95%; 10% if < 99.975% but => 99%
Payment Procedure Service Credit within one billing cycle following the month in which request is confirmed Financial Credits as monetary credit for future Service usage, applied within 60 days after request SLA claim must be submitted within 60 days after the end of the contracted month . The credit will be the highest applicable compensation based on cumulative availability of the affected service and calculated using the monthly charges for such affected service. Claims processed during subsequent month and within 45 days of receipt of request. Service Credit is applied to Applicable Monthly Service Fees. Service Credit provided in any calendar month for a particular service or service resource will not, under any circumstance, exceed monthly service fee for that affected service or service resource, as applicable, in the calendar month. The service credit must be used within two months from the date the service credit is made available.


Area AWS GCP IBM Cloud Azure Alibaba Cloud 
Scalability AWS Auto Scaling Autoscaling Auto Scaling Azure Autoscaling Autoscaling 
Virtual Machine Scale Sets
App Service Scale Capability
Virtual Servers Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) Instances Custom Machine Types IBM Virtual Servers Azure Virtual Machines Simple Application Server
Amazon LightSail Compute Engine Virtual Machine Images Elastic Compute Service 
Container Instances EC2 Container Service (ECS) Kubernetes Engine IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Container Registry
Elastic Container Registry (ECR) Azure Container Registry
Container Orchestrators/ Microservices Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (EKS) Kubernetes Engine IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Container Service 
Service Fabric Container Service for Kubernetes
Job Orchestration AWS Batch Preemptible VMs Azure Batch Batch Compute 
Serverless Computing Lambda Google Cloud Functions IBM Cloud Functions Azure Functions Function Computes 
Lambda @ Edge Azure Event Grid
Time sync Time Sync Service TrueTime Service IBM App Connect Time sync Time Setting 


Area AWS GCP IBM Cloud Azure Alibaba Cloud 
Object storage Simple Storage Services (S3) Google Cloud Storage IBM Cloud Object Storage Azure Blob Storage Object Storage Service 
Shared file storage Elastic File System Google Cloud Storage FUSE File Storage Azure Files Network Attached Storage 
Virtual Server disk infrastructure Elastic Block Store (EBS) Google Persistent Disk Block Storage Disk Storage – Premium Storage Block Storage
Disk Storage – Page Blobs (for VHDs or other random-write type data)
Archiving – cool storage S3 Standard Infrequent Access (IA) Google Nearline Storage Object Storage Storage –Hot, Cool & Archive Tier Object Storage Service 
Archiving – cold storage S3 Glacier Google Cloud Storage (GCS) Coldline Backup Storage Object Storage Service 
Hybrid Storage Storage Gateway StorSimple Hybrid Cloud Storage Array 
Backup AWS Cloud Backup IBM Cloud Backup Azure Backup Cloud Backup and Recovery 

Database Backup 

Data transfer AWS Import/Export Disk Cloud Data Transfer Appliance Data Transfer Service Azure Import/ Export Data Transport 
AWS Import/Export Snowball Mass Data Migration
AWS Snowmobile Azure Data Box Cloud Migration Tool 
AWS Snowball Edge
Disaster Recovery CloudEndure Disaster Recovery Site Recovery Alibaba Disaster Recovery 

Hybrid Backup Recovery


Area AWS GCP IBM Cloud Azure Alibaba Cloud 
Relational Database RDS for MariaDB SQL Server Compose for MySQL SQL Database ApsaraDB for MySQL
RDS for SQL Server Google Cloud SQL Compose for Postgre SQL Azure Database for MySQL ApsaraDB for MariaDB TX
RDS for MySQL Cloud SQL support for Postgre SQL (Beta)


IBM Cloud Databases for EnterpriseDB


Azure Database for PostgreSQL (Preview) ApsaraDB RDS for SQL server
RDS for Oracle DB Azure Database for MariaDB ApsaraDB for PPAS
RDS for Postgre SQL
Cloud Spanner




Db2 on Cloud 


ApsaraDB for PostgreSQL
Distributed Relational Database Service (DRDS)
ApsaraDB for POLARDB
NoSQL – key/value storage, document storage Dynamo DB Database for Redis  Table Storage Time Series Database
Databases for MongoDB

Databases for Elasticsearch

Azure Cosmos DB
Non-relational Databases Amazon Neptune Cloud BigTable  Compose for JunusGraph Azure HDInsight ApsaraDB for Redis
Amazon EMR Cloud Firestore  Azure Batch ApsaraDB for MongoDB
Amazon Dynamo DB Firebase Realtime database 
Amazon SimpleDB Cloud Memorystore Cloudant Cosmos DB ApsaraDB for Memcache
Database Migration Database Migration Service Cloud Data Transfer Lift Azure Database Migration Service Data Transmission Services 
Data Migration Assistant
Caching ElastiCache Memorystore Compose for Redis  Azure Redis Cache ApsaraDB for Redis


Area AWS GCP IBM Cloud Azure Alibaba Cloud 
Cloud virtual networking Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Google Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) VLANs Virtual Network Virtual Private Cloud 
Content delivery network CloudFront Google Cloud CDN Content Delivery Network Azure Content Delivery Network Alibaba Cloud CDN 
Domain name system management Route 53 Google Cloud DNS DNS Azure DNS Alibaba Cloud DNS 
Traffic Manager
Cross – premise connectivity AWS VPN CloudHub Cloud VPN VPN Azure VPN Gateway VPN Gateway 
Dedicated network Direct Connect Google Cloud Interconnect Direct Link ExpressRoute Express Connect 
Load balancing Classic Load Balancer Google Cloud Load Balancing Load Balancer Load Balancer Server Load Balancer 
Network Load Balancer Application Gateway
Application Load Balancer


Area AWS GCP IBM Cloud Azure Alibaba Cloud 
IoT AWS IoT Google Cloud IoT Internet of Things (IoT) Azure IoT Hub IoT Platform 
Cloud IoT Core Azure IoT Central
IoT Services Amazon Kinesis Google Cloud Pub/Sub IBM Push Notifications Machine Learning Short Message Service (SMS) 
Amazon SNS IoT Edge
Amazon EMR Azure IoT solution accelerators
Machine Learning Power BI Machine Learning Platform for AI 
QuickSight Stream Analytics
AWS Data Pipeline Notification Hubs
Data Analytics of Data Collected from IoT Devices IoT Analytics Google BigQuery Real time IoT Data Analytics (Beta) Time Series Insights Realtime Compute 
Cloud Datalab Machine Learning Studio
Stream Analytics
Triggers Functions IoT 1-Click Cloud Function Cloud Functions Functions Function Compute 
Logic Apps
Security of Deployed IoT Device IoT Device Defender Device Security IoT Security Security Center IoT Platform 
Operating System for Microcontrollers FreeRTOS
Streaming data Kinesis Streams Cloud Dataflow Streaming Analytics Event Hubs ApsaraVideo Live 
Kinesis Firehose Event Hubs Capture Media Solutions
Edge compute for IoT AWS Greengrass Azure IoT Edge IoT Solutions 


Area AWS GCP IBM Cloud Azure Alibaba Cloud 
Elastic data warehouse Amazon Redshift Google Cloud BigQuery Db2 Warehouse on Cloud SQL Data Warehouse Max Compute 
Data orchestration Data Pipeline Google Cloud Dataflow Data Factory DataWorks
AWS Glue Data Catalog Data Integration 
Big data processing Elastic MapReduce (EMR) Google Cloud Dataproc IBM Analytics Engine HDInsight  



Dataflow Realtime compute
Data discovery Amazon Athena Google BigQuery SQL Query Data Catalog DataWorks 
Azure Data Lake Analytics
Search Amazon Elasticsearch Compose for Elasticsearch Azure Search Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch 
Amazon CloudSearch Marketplace – Elasticsearch
Analytics Kinesis Data Analytics Google Cloud Dataflow Streaming analytics Stream Analytics AnalyticDB
Data Lake Analytics Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch
Data Lake Store
Visualization Amazon QuickSight Google Data Studio PowerBI DataWorks 
PowerBI Embedded DataV
Machine Learning Machine Learning Google Cloud AI Watson Machine Learning Azure Machine Learning Studio Machine Learning Platform for AI 
SageMaker Google Cloud Datalab Azure Machine Learning Workbench
Google Cloud Machine Learning Engine


Area AWS GCP IBM Cloud Azure  Alibaba Cloud 
Visual Recognition Amazon Rekognition Cloud Vision Watson Visual Recognition Computer Vision API + Face API Image Search 
Rekognition Video Media Analytics + Video Indexer
AWS DeepLens Face API
Emotions API
Virtual Personal Assistant Alexa Skills Kits Google Assistant Watson Assistant Cortana Intelligence Suite – Cortana Integration Intelligent Robot 
Amazon Lex Microsoft Bot Framework + Azure Bot Service
Text to Speech /Text to Speech Amazon Polly Translation API IBM Watson Bing Speech API Intelligent Speech Interaction 
Amazon Translate Speech to Text
Amazon Transcribe Cloud Text to Speech
Speech recognition, translation & analysis Amazon Lex Cloud Natural Language IBM Natural Language Classifier Bing Speech API Intelligent Speech Interaction 
LUIS – Language Understanding Intelligent Service Machine Translation 
Amazon Comprehend Alchemy API Speaker Recognition API Quick BI 
CRIS – Custom Recognition Intelligent Service Alibaba Cloud Intelligent Brain
Amazon Translate Cloud Translation API Language Translator Translator Text API Machine Learning Platform for AI 
Watson Tone Analyzer Emotions API
Text Analytics API


Area AWS GCP IBM Cloud Azure Alibaba Cloud
Firewall Web Application Firewall

AWS Firewall Manager

Google Cloud Firewall Firewalls Application Gateway Application Gateway 
Web Application Firewall (in preview)
Authorization & Authentication Identity and Access Management (IAM)

AWS Single Sign-On

Google Cloud Identity and Access Management  IBM Cloud App ID  Azure Active Directory Resource Access Management 
Multi-Factor Authentication Azure Subscription and Service Management + RBAC
AWS Organizations
Multi-Factor Authentication
Encryption Amazon S3 Key Management Service for server-side encryption Google Cloud Key Management Service Hardware Security Module

 IBM Hyper Protect Crypto Services

IBM Cloud Data Shield

Azure Key Vault Key Management Service 
Key Management Service Key Protect Storage Service Encryption
Security assessment and threat detection Amazon Inspector Security Command Center 

Security Health Analytics 

SSL Certificates Security Center Alibaba Cloud SSL Certificates Service 
Guard Duty
Certificate Manager Nessus Security Scanner App Service Certificates on the portal
Compliance AWS Artifact Google Cloud Compliance IBM Cloud Compliance Microsoft Service Trust Portal Security & Compliance Center 
Directory Services AWS Directory Service + Windows Server Active Directory on AWS Google Cloud Directory Sync Azure Directory Domain Services + Windows Server Active Directory on Azure IaaS Resource Access Management 
Cognito Azure Active Directory B2C
AWS Directory Service
Information protection AWS Cloud Security  Azure Information Protection Managed Security Service 


Area AWS GCP IBM Cloud Azure Alibaba Cloud 
DevOps (Deployment Orchestration) OpsWorks Cloud Composer  IBM Cloud Deployment Services  Azure Automation DevOps Solution 
Azure Resource Manager Resource Orchestration Service 
VM extensions
Monitoring & Management (DevOps) Amazon CloudWatch Google Operations Logging, Monitoring IT Operations Management Azure portal Cloud Monitor 
AWS CloudTrail Debugger Azure Monitor Log Service 
AWS X-Ray Error Reporting IT Operations Analytics Azure Application Insights ActionTrail
AWS Cost and Usage Report Google Trace Azure Billing API Application Real-time monitoring service 
AWS Management Console Cloud Shell
Log Analytics
Cloud advisor Trusted Advisor Consulting Services Advisory Services Azure Advisor Professional Services 
Administration AWS Application Discovery Service Cloud Console IBM Cloud Orchestrator  Azure Log Analytics in Operations Management Suite Application Real-time monitoring service 
AWS Systems Manager Microsoft Operations Management Suite – Automation and Control functionalities
AWS Personal Health Dashboard Azure Resource Health
Azure Storage Explorer


Area AWS GCP IBM Cloud Azure Alibaba Cloud 
Email Simple Email Service (SES) SendGrid (third-party) SendGrid (Third party) Marketplace – Email Direct Mail
Workflow Simple Workflow Service (SWF) Cloud Dataproc Workflow Templates (Beta) Business Rules Management Logic Apps
Cloud composer Azure Automation
Scheduling Workload Scheduler Azure Scheduler
Media transcoding / encoding Elastic Transcoder Media Services ApsaraVideo Live 
Azure encoding ApsaraVideo Media Processing 
Elemental MediaLive
Messaging & data analytics Simple Queue Service (SQS) Google Cloud Pub/Sub Compose for RabbitMQ Azure Queue Storage Message Queue 
Amazon MQ Azure Service Bus
Azure Event Hubs
Application Development & API Management API Gateway Google Cloud Endpoints API Connect API Management API Gateway 
Elastic Beanstalk Logic Apps
AWS CodePipeline Web Apps (App Service)
CodeDeploy API Apps (App Service)
CodeCommit Cloud Services Enterprise Distributed Application Service 
AWS Developer Tools Visual Studio Team Services
Azure Developer Tools
App testing AWS Device Farm Cloud Test Lab App Testing  Azure DevTest Labs (backend)
Xamarin Test Cloud (frontend)
DevOps AWS CodeBuild Cloud Source Repositories Continuous Delivery Visual Studio Team Services lac- Terraform  Solution 



AWS Cloud9 Cloud Build

DevOps Products 

IBM UrbanCode Velocity Azure DevOps Projects
AWS Code Star Delivery Pipeline
AWS CodeCommit Globalization Pipeline Automation Packer Solution 
AWS CodeDeploy Continuous Integration and Continous Delivery Solution 
AWS CodePipeline Container Microservices Solution 


App customer payment service Amazon Flexible Payment Service (Beta)
Amazon Dev Pay
Game development (Cloud based tools) GameLift Firebase

Compute Engine 

Visual Studio Gaming Solutions 
Predefined templates AWS Quick Starts Instance Templates Lifecycle project templates Azure Quickstart templates Launch Templates 
Backend process logic AWS Step Functions App Engine IBM Cloud Functions Logic Apps Function Compute 
AR/VR (Tools for 3D scenes) Sumerian Daydream Mixed Reality
Cardboard IBM Watson Unity SDK
Media Ingestion Kinesis Video Streams Live Streaming Media Solutions 
Programmatic access Command Line Interface Cloud Shell CLI, API, Helm support and Terraform Azure Command Line Interface (CLI) Alibaba Cloud CLI 
Azure PowerShell


Area AWS GCP IBM Cloud Azure Alibaba Cloud 
Content management in cloud Google Sites Enterprise Content Management 

IBM Content Foundation on Cloud 

SharePoint Online
Google Docs
Enterprise app integration Google App Engine IBM WebSphere

IBM Application Integration Suite

IBM Cloud Integration 

Logic Apps
Commercial PaaS – IaaS- DBaaS framework IBM Cloud Private Azure Stack
Enterprise application services Google Enterprise Search IBM offers Microsoft Consulting services for Dynamics 365, SharePoint and Office 365. Dynamics 365 Message Notification Service


Work Mail G Suite IBM Notes Office 365 Direct Mail 
Work Docs Blockchain as a Service 


Area AWS GCP IBM Cloud Azure Alibaba Cloud 
Pro App Development Mobile Hub Mobile App Backend Services IBM Watson products App ID  Mobile Apps
Cognito Xamarin Apps
Mobile SDK AAD B2C
Analytics Mobile Analytics Mobile Solutions Mobile Foundation Visual Studio App Center
Application Insights
Enterprise Mobility Management Endpoint Management  IBM® MaaS360® with Watson Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) Intune
Real -time Data Queries AppSync Mobile Solutions Mobile Analytics

Push Notifications

Mobile Apps

Help us improve this cloud services comparison tool. Share your feedback in the comments section.

Disclaimer: This article aims to provide information about the cloud services of different vendors for general informational purpose only. Vendors may change their product or service pricing and features from time to time. It’s therefore advised in the interest of the website visitor that before taking a decision or making a purchase, updated information should be verified from the respective vendor’s site. This information has been sourced from the vendor websites and relevant resources available in the public domain as on September 2020. Though we make best endeavors to ensure that the information is accurate and up to date, we do not guarantee its 100% accuracy or timeliness.


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