
9 screen related issues and solutions for computers

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Just like TVs and mobile phones, computers may also have screen-related problems. Everyday users can encounter various display issues; some of them can be easily resolved, while others require professional support.  

Even a high-end monitor for your computer or MacBook can also have screen problems. This article highlights some of the most common computer screen issues along with solutions.   

Constant Screen Flickering 

A constantly flickering or stuttering screen is usually caused by display drivers. To resolve this issue, update it by starting the PC in safe mode and uninstalling it currently using the display adapter.  

Check for available updates and install the required ones. Check the refresh rate setting in the OS display setting. If it is incorrect, apply the right hertz setting. 

Another reason could be a faulty or loose video or power cable. So, tighten the cable on the computer and the monitor. Also, secure the power cables on both ends. There can be more reasons for screen flickering, and finding the right one is important to fix it.  

Dead or Bright Pixel 

A single dot on the screen, showing up as one or more black squares, is often regarded as a dead pixel. A stuck pixel is somewhat similar to a dead pixel, but it shows up in one color – red, green, or blue. 

You can troubleshoot a stuck pixel issue by yourself by physically massaging the screen panel. But, for a dead pixel, you can’t fix it yourself because it is the screen panel’s physical malfunction. Warranty replacement is the only option. 

Stretched, Light or Dark Screen 

This display problem may happen due to random presses on the monitor and keyboard or by a user accidentally. Whatever be the reason, any kind of screen issue is annoying as you are not able to get the right output. 

You’ve to go to settings and restore the default settings. There are multiple options, so you can set a screen in any way. 

Colored Vertical Lines 

colored vertical lines

Screen damage or hardware failure could create single or multi-colored vertical lines on the screen. To troubleshoot this, unplug the system and restart it after pressing the power button for around 30 seconds. If the issue persists, the problem may be in the LCD screen.

For this confirmation, connect your computer to another monitor. The only solution is LCD screen replacement.

Black or Blank Display

Sometimes, it happens that after turning on the PC, you see the lights blinking, but the screen does not show anything. The laptop screen is completely blank. This generally happens because of a faulty motherboard. So, its solutions are either to hard reset your laptop or repair or replace the motherboard.

To hard reset, your system shuts down and disconnects all connected devices. Before repairing the motherboard, back up all the data on another drive so that you can restore it easily in the event of failure or data loss.

Random Shut Offs

If your monitor keeps turning off periodically, there is a high chance that it might not be getting enough power from the surge protector. Examine the circuit breaker and ensure the power cable is plugged in properly.

Another reason could be an overheated internal or external power converter. If overheating of the power adapter or monitor would be the cause, replace them.

Blurred Screen

Your monitor screen may show a blurry appearance because of many reasons. You can fix it in multiple ways. It includes hard setting adjustments, using new cables for CPU connectivity with the monitor, and adjusting the screen resolution.

Any issue either in the graphic card or the graphic driver could start showing the incorrect resolution on the screen. Using a new graphics card or updating the driver is how you can try to fix the issue. If it doesn’t work, the cause may be an internal electronics issue.

Cracked Display

cracked display

A cracked computer screen not only affects the display but reduces the overall working of the device. If your laptop screen gets cracked, you have just one way to fix it, i.e., an expensive screen replacement.

You cannot do anything even if it is within a warranty period because physical damage is not included in the warranty.


Buzzing or whine noise in a monitor can happen because of issues in power regulation to bulbs. In this case, finding the right reason is essential to fixing the issue. It could be the hardware breakdown or the software error that might be leading to buzzing.

Usually, this is a problem with a backlight. To get rid of this problem, adjust the screen brightness up or down and notice whether the noise disappears.

The Conclusion

There is hardly anything as frustrating as working on a poor-quality monitor display. There are other issues you can encounter on the device, but it is hard to imagine getting any work done if you cannot access the screen.

If it does not function properly, everything can get messed up. So, take good care of your computer screen with the above-mentioned tips to improve its performance and get better results.

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