Keeping your personal information, financial data secure should be a priority not only for businesses but individuals as well. Use best practices to keep your data secure and safe from external threats. Here are 8 crucial tips for keeping your data private.
1) Use a VPN on your computer
Using a VPN on your computer can stop software and cybercriminals from getting access to your personal data. A PC VPN offers high-level encryption to encrypt all your online communication so that anyone who intercepts it cannot get access to the information. You can also get access to protected file sharing with others without worrying about the data being exposed or stolen. Another significant advantage of a VPN is that you retain total anonymity while accessing websites or web applications. As a result, the chances of someone exploiting your data goes down.
2) Protect yourself from malware, ransomware, and viruses
Malware, ransomware, and viruses can be a significant threat to your data. They can potentially infect your system, delete files without your permission, and end up costing you money. You can get infected by ransomware and viruses as a result of malware attacks. To protect yourself from them, you should have the latest anti-virus and anti-malware software installed on your computer.
3) Use a password manager
One of the most crucial steps to keep your data private is to use strong passwords with a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, digits, and special characters. It’s also essential to change passwords frequently and not reuse previous passwords. But, it is not a simple task to remember multiple passwords and change them regularly. Consider using a password manager that will help you generate random passwords and use them to log in to your various accounts. A password manager will also prompt you to change passwords frequently and will take care of the entire process for you.
4) Do not overshare information on social media
Social media has taken over the world, and it’s tempting to share every aspect of your life on these apps. But not only is this irritating, doing so may make your private information accessible to cybercriminals. Be cautious before sharing details such as your birthday, hometown, location, and when you are going on a vacation. Check your social media apps’ privacy settings to ensure that only trusted friends can access what you share online.
5) Secure your wireless network
Wireless networks are often the target of cybercriminals who can get around simple encryption keys and access your personal information. You should use the strongest encryption settings on your router to ensure that it is as secure as possible. The next step is to make your network invisible by turning off the broadcast function. After all, if a hacker cannot see your network, they won’t be able to hack it!
6) Try and avoid public WiFi networks
Free WiFi networks can sound very attractive. But such publicly accessible networks can be easily breached by cybercriminals. You should never carry out online banking transactions or ship using credit cards on such open networks. Try to use only password-protected WiFi networks that are encrypted to keep your data private from hackers.
7) Ensure your software is updated
Outdated software has many security loopholes that cybercriminals can target. Each software update brings security features, bug fixes, and other essential features with them. You should tweak your system to ensure that software updates are installed regularly so that you don’t have to worry about them. Keeping your software updated will keep your data private and ensure that you get comprehensive security to protect you from cybercriminals.
8) Uninstall apps that you don’t use
Over time, it’s only too easy to install lots of software and apps that you may not use. Such unused apps and software take up system resources and can also be a security threat. For example, a shopping app that has been granted location access can access this information anytime without your consent or even knowledge. Cybercriminals may use such information to access your private data. It is a good idea to scan your installed apps regularly and uninstall those apps that you don’t use.
In Summary
Security and data privacy are linked with each other. Follow the tips we’ve shared in this article to stay secure and protected from cybercriminals.